LadyDrake: I found about the existence of Czech dragon community from IRC chat, where I was told about dragon exhibition in Vopice, which I visited in march 2011. From there I learned about and here I am now
Yeah, and don't be surprised, in case of my country, even fewer people know where Hungary is located
so Czech Republic is not alone in that. The fact that our countries are relatively close to each other is also important. Also Czech dragon community is 10 times the size of Hungarian dragon community.
Answering your other question, I've been interested in dragons for as long as I can remember myself. In fact from what I remember I was into dragons even before I could properly imagine or understand what a dragon is. Not that it is even possible to understand such complex creature as a dragon.
And yes, as I mentioned earlier, I am definitely coming to Modra Vopice next weekend, so we will have a lot of time to meet and talk. I am also looking towards our conversation